Technology & Innovation

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Expertise and attention-to-detailed solution for any technical challenge.

PASSIFIRE takes tech­no­logy and in­nov­a­tion very ser­i­ously. You need to look no fur­ther to find the sup­port you need to make your pro­jects and vis­ions real­ity. PASSIFIRE is a com­pany of pas­sion­ate ex­perts with more than 45 years of industry experience in the field of R&D.

Re­gard­less of whether we’re ad­vising our cli­ents on specialized solutions for

  • Passive Fire Protection Coatings,
  • PFP systems,
  • Thermal Acoustic insulation
  • Specialized Protective coatings,

you can rely on the highest levels of ex­pert­ise and commitment.

We aim to be the au­thor­ity on the areas we specialize in and provide you with Tech­nical Ex­cel­lence & Sup­port in the fields of thermal in­su­la­tion and acous­tics as well as ded­ic­ated Com­pet­ence Centers for li­quid Oil & Gas, Construction and Marine industry.