
Our Company Features

Who We Are

PASSIFIRE is a leading supplier of specialist building products in the Middle East & Africa. With strong positions in its core markets of fire protection, specialised coatings and water purification. We have extensive knowledge of the market and the standards of each country and offer our customers a comprehensive range of Construction products. PASSIFIRE is also an initiator for improving the standards and legislation for various developing countries across the Middle East and Africa. 
Since 2012, PASSIFIRE has become a fast-growing and leading distributor of specialist building products within the Middle East, Levant and Africa.
We as a company has a product and service offering of significant scale with strong positions in its three core product areas of Fire Protection, Specialised Coatings and Water refinement.  We are partnered with the leading manufacturers across the world in providing the perfect solutions for customer needs.



Expertise you can trust

Our expertise is diversified into Building construction products, Fire rated solutions for varied range of applications and Water purification technologies
Whether providing code consultancy, strategic advice, fire prevention through specialised fire safety design, construction supervision, inspection and risk assessment,  our work is grounded in fire science.
We provide insight into risk and human behaviour, advanced techniques in simulation and analysis to stay at the forefront of fire engineering solutions
Passive Fire Protection System
Passive fire protection (PFP) is an integral component of the components of structural fire protection and fire safety in a building. PFP attempts to contain fires or slow the spread by using adequate fire-resistant walls, Structural protection and doors.
We provide Certified standard solutions suited for Structural steel fire protection, Fire resistant partitions and Ceiling, Fire rated ductwork, Firestop, Blast protection, Oil & Gas Infrastructure protection, Tunnel grade fire protection and high performance fire doors
We work with architects, maintenance managers, FM companies, property owners and professional on-site fire proofing applicators to solve a wide variety of requirements
Fire Rated Partitions

From 30 up to 240 minutes of Fire rating – Integrity, Insulation and Stability

Fire Rated Ductwork

Ventilation fire ductwork, Smoke extract fire ductwork, Non-domestic kitchen extract fire ductwork and Pressurisation ductworks

Structural Fire Protection

Certified standard solutions suited for Structural steel fire protection, Fire resistant partitions and Ceiling, Fire rated ductwork, Firestop, Blast protection, Oil & Gas Infrastructure protection, Tunnel grade fire protection and high performance fire doors

High performance Doors

Specialised Industrial custom made doors to Tunnel fire rated doors.

These specialist doors are tested against the elements and purpose-built to withstand disastrous fires for as long as possible.
Fire doors have a few vital safety features and really can be the difference between life and death.
Building Products

Specialised construction products.

Our building products division is focussed on meeting the customer needs for specialised requirements mainly Construction boards mainly for weather resistant, Acoustic & Thermal insulation.
Water Purification

Industrial to consumer requirement.

We bring together application engineering, innovative products, and technical service to reduce operating costs and improve customer experiences. For every use we ensure to provide our varied customers complete solutions that are cost-effective.

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Mission & Core values

We are dedicated to provide world class solutions to our customers to fulfill their diverse needs through a team of experienced and qualified professionals who are well experienced for what they do.Our commitment to the customer is of prime importance to us in building enduring relationships with them.


Trust is the foundation of our Business.


At Passifire, we share a common vision. We believe we can help the construction world to transform the way we design and build, while protecting people, society and the planet.


We believe that trust, integrity and humility are the cornerstones for the success of our business in dealing with our internal and external environment. We believe in ‘being inclusive’ with our society and environment and are also focused on having an inclusive approach to any customer needs or problems and considering that as our own and delivering the best practical solutions possible. We recognize that the respect we have for our people and the freedom we give, transforms them into being responsible and accountable for their actions. We strive to provide an environment of job security and accessibility by being sensitive to the needs of each other.

  • We are solution driven.
  • We listen to understand.
  • We role model the behavior we expect.
  • We have agenda and result oriented meetings.
  • We take ownership on timely communication.
  • We empower our people.
  • We encourage creativity.
  • We seek to enhance happiness.

What we do


Expertise you can trust

Our expertise is diversified into Building construction products, Fire rated solutions for varied range of applications and Water purification technologies
Whether providing code consultancy, strategic advice, fire prevention through specialised fire safety design, construction supervision, inspection and risk assessment,  our work is grounded in fire science.
We provide insight into risk and human behaviour, advanced techniques in simulation and analysis to stay at the forefront of fire engineering solutions
Passive Fire Protection System
Passive fire protection (PFP) is an integral component of the components of structural fire protection and fire safety in a building. PFP attempts to contain fires or slow the spread by using adequate fire-resistant walls, Structural protection and doors.
We provide Certified standard solutions suited for Structural steel fire protection, Fire resistant partitions and Ceiling, Fire rated ductwork, Firestop, Blast protection, Oil & Gas Infrastructure protection, Tunnel grade fire protection and high performance fire doors
We work with architects, maintenance managers, FM companies, property owners and professional on-site fire proofing applicators to solve a wide variety of requirements
Fire Rated Partitions

From 30 up to 240 minutes of Fire rating – Integrity, Insulation and Stability

Fire Rated Ductwork

Ventilation fire ductwork, Smoke extract fire ductwork, Non-domestic kitchen extract fire ductwork and Pressurisation ductworks

Structural Fire Protection

Certified standard solutions suited for Structural steel fire protection, Fire resistant partitions and Ceiling, Fire rated ductwork, Firestop, Blast protection, Oil & Gas Infrastructure protection, Tunnel grade fire protection and high performance fire doors

High performance Doors

Specialised Industrial custom made doors to Tunnel fire rated doors.

These specialist doors are tested against the elements and purpose-built to withstand disastrous fires for as long as possible.
Fire doors have a few vital safety features and really can be the difference between life and death.
Building Products

Specialised construction products.

Our building products division is focussed on meeting the customer needs for specialised requirements mainly Construction boards mainly for weather resistant, Acoustic & Thermal insulation.
Water Purification

Industrial to consumer requirement.

We bring together application engineering, innovative products, and technical service to reduce operating costs and improve customer experiences. For every use we ensure to provide our varied customers complete solutions that are cost-effective.